The Indy Greenways Bicentennial Challenge
Tuesday, September 1, 2020

We are in the middle of the City’s Bicentennial Year. The Covid epidemic and stay at home orders have somewhat subdued the City’s celebration. But it has also highlighted the important role that greenways play in times like these. More and more people are using Indy Greenways during this socially-distanced time. This all presents an opportunity to get out and explore all of Indianapolis’ greenways. The Indy Greenways Bicentennial Challenge encourages residents to get out and visit all nine of the current Indy Greenways to commemorate all of the great trails that have been developed during Indy’s 200 year history. Here’s how it works:
To participate, register at Indy Greenways Bicentennial Challenge.
Make sure to “LIKE” the Indianapolis Greenways Partnership Facebook Page and Follow us on Instagram.
Bike, walk or visit any of the official Indy Greenway trails between September 1- December 31, 2020. Current Indy Greenways include:
- Central Canal Towpath
- Eagle Creek Greenway
- Fall Creek Greenway
- Little Buck Creek Greenway
- Monon Rail-trail
- Pennsy Trail
- Pleasant Run Greenway
- Pogues Run Greenway
- White River Greenway
While there, take a selfie at a notable feature (trail sign, milemarker, notable waterway) and post to your Facebook or Instagram account with the name of the greenway and the following hashtags: #IndyGreenwaysBicentennialChallenge, and #indianapolisgreenwayspartnership. Please note that we reserve the right to share your photos on the official Indianapolis Greenways Partnership social media platforms.
Once you have visited and documented your visit to all nine greenways, send an email message to info@greenwayspartnership.com to proclaim your victory and receive a complimentary Indianapolis Greenways Partnership t-shirt. Make sure to include your shirt size in the email.
The challenge is open to everyone.For kids under the age of 18, parents should post photos and social media on parent accounts.Please include child’s name to ensure they receive credit for completing the challenge.
We encourage everyone to get out and visit all of Indianapolis’ greenways as part of our year of celebrating the Centennial!