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Trail Tour at Four

Thursday, August 6, 2020


Date: Every Thursday

Location: Weekly Location

In August, the Indianapolis Parks Foundation began its new virtual bike ride program called Trail Tour at Four.  This program is a virtual (people can join in person for a socially-distanced ride if so inclined) Facebook Live bike ride along one of Indy Greenways that occurs every Thursday at 4:00 pm.  The rides are being facilitated by David O’Rourke of the Indianapolis Parks Foundation.  David is working to develop a series of weekly rides and starting to identify some additional activities or surprises that may occur along future rides.

Every Thursday at 4pm we will take you to and through one of the many trails in Indy. Tune in from the comfort of your own home with Facebook Live or meet us on the trail for a socially distanced ride.

Visit the Indianapolis Park Foundation social media pages for more information.

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