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Meet our Dietitian…Sandra Edmond, MS, CD, RDN

We are excited about our new Walk With a Dietitian on the Fall Creek Greenway program this summer, with our first walk coming up on April 15, 2023. The program is a new initiative between the Indianapolis Greenways Partnership and the Marion County Public Health Department. With our first walk approaching, we caught up with our Dietitian Sandra Edmond, MS, CD, RDN to find out a little more about what people can expect if they join us in this free program.

Tell us about who you are, your background, and what motivated you to get involved.

Hi! I’m a chronic disease nutritionist at the MCPHD, where I’ve had the pleasure to serve for 20+ years. Most of my work involves educating and encouraging adults to incorporate healthy eating habits into their everyday lifestyles, through the ABC’s of Diabetes program. Consuming a healthy diet can decrease obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. A healthy diet coupled with physical activity has numerous health benefits and is very important for the overall health of our bodies, and being an advocate for that is what motivated me to get involved.

What is the Walk with a Dietitian on the Fall Creek program and what is it all about?

The Walk with A Dietitian program is a program that promotes use of beautiful greenways in our community, and the perfect opportunity to have conversation over health-related topics when it comes to nutrition. It’s the perfect opportunity to connect with other people in the communities, get active, and learn very valuable nutrition information.

Why are Greenways so important?

Greenways provide both recreational and transportation routes to our community, providing access to neighborhoods, commercial centers, and other destinations meaningful to residents. They are a great place for people to get active and enjoy nature first-hand.

What should users expect if they participate in the program?

User should expect to witness natural beauty firsthand, coupled with some nutritional knowledge and a great walk with great people!

Anything additional you may want to add?

Walking is one of the most effective and safest forms of exercise, increased walking decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, and can lower blood pressure. This program not only gives you the chance to be physically active, but it also provides you with the opportunity to learn more about nutrition so that you may incorporate new healthy habits into your life.

Our Walk With a Dietitian on the Fall Creek Greenway program occurs on the third Saturday of each month this summer, beginning on April 15 and running through September 16. The program is family-friendly and free, but registration is required. To register for our first walk on April 15, visit the following link:

About the Indianapolis Greenways Partnership: The Indianapolis Greenways Partnership is a public-private partnership that provides creative programming which broadens user engagement with Indy Greenways, builds support for the system, and catalyzes further investment in Indy Greenways. The Partnership’s efforts are based upon the premise that providing broad opportunities for residents to engage with the greenways helps to build lifelong advocates, support, and demand for continued investment in the greenway system.

Our Community Partners:

Parks Alliance of Indianapolis

Indy Parks

Indy Arts Council

Jump IN for Healthy Kids

Eskenazi Health

Marion County Public Health Department

CICOA Aging and In-Home Solutions

Reconnecting to our Waterways

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